3 Typical Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipes - Satay dishes are quite unique because small pieces of meat sticked with coconut / bamboo sticks, baked using wood charcoal coals. Not only the meat, various ingredients in the marinade make each satay recipe capable of indulging the tongue. Various kinds of meat can be made satay, such as chicken, goats, sheep, rabbits, horses, and others.
Recipes from Java are now widely found throughout Indonesia as well as Southeast Asian countries. Chicken satay is the most popular type of satay because the fat content in chicken meat is more 'safe' than beef, goat, and others. The difference in all types of satay lies in the marinade, such as peanut sauce, soy sauce, coconut milk, and others. Satay made from chicken which is more tender and soft, suitable for serving the elderly who want to eat it with rice cake.
According to the type, prescription naming is determined by the specificity of the region or appearance. 3 Typical Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipes that is Madura Chicken Satay Recipe, Satay Recipe, and Padang Satay Recipe will be discussed here.
Padang Chicken Satay Recipe
The next chicken satay recipe that is no less delicious and able to make the tongue shake is Padang chicken satay. How to make and look different from chicken satay in general because of the typical Padang satay usually served with a sauce without peanut sauce.
- 300 grams of chicken fillet, cut into pieces
- 1 sheet turmeric leaves, tied
- 4 pieces of orange leaves, remove the bones and cut into pieces
- 2 lemongrass sticks, take the white and then bruise it
- 1 candis acid fruit
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp of sugar
- 550 ml of water to boil
- 3 tablespoons of oil for sprea
Ground spices:
- 3 large red chillies
- 6 shallots
- 1/2 tsp coriander
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/8 tsp cumin
- 3 cm of turmeric, roasted
- 1 cm of ginger
- 1 cm galangal
- 250 ml of water
- 20 grams of rice flour
- 1 teaspoon of sago flour
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 tsp of sugar
- 300 ml of broth (remaining chicken stew)
How To Make Satay Chicken Field:
- The first step, boil the chicken, fine spices, turmeric leaves, orange leaves, lemongrass, and candis acid until cooked and soaked. Lift and then stick with a skewer.
- Burn while smeared with oil until fragrant.
- Sambal: Bring to the broth water, add water, rice flour, sago flour, salt, and sugar, then cook until bursting.
- Serve with rice cake and sprinkle with fried shallots.
Madura Chicken Satay Recipe

The next chicken satay recipe that is no less delicious and able to make the tongue shake is Padang chicken satay. How to make and look different from chicken satay in general because of the typical Padang satay usually served with a sauce without peanut sauce.

Madura chicken satay is one type of satay which is famous for its distinctive blend of spices. The marinade feels different on the tongue than other chicken satay spices. This is because the Madurese have a secret recipe for processed marinade. You can find out the secret of this chicken satay recipe by listening to each stage of the method of making it. If you are curious, immediately take notes and prepare the following ingredients.
Ingredients (6 servings):
- 450 grams of chicken meat
- 2 lemon
- 75 ml of sweet soy sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon salt Lalapan or pickled cucumber
Chicken oil:
- 75 ml of cooking oil
- 1 tbsp garlic
- 1 teaspoon coriander
Peanut sauce:
- 1 tablespoon of red chili
- 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 1 tsp red onion
- 1 tsp garlic
- 250 ml of water
- 150 grams of peanuts
How to make Madu Chicken Sate:
- Mix oil, coriander and garlic, cook over low heat until the garlic turns yellow.
- Lift, chill, then strain and take the oil only then prick it.
- Before being burned, spread with chicken spread oil.
- Then bake or broil the satay until done with medium heat.
- Serve with peanut sauce and fresh vegetables or pickled cucumber
Can you guess what's different? Yes, how to make the marinade. The peanut sauce for Madura satay is cooked longer than other bean spices, which is indicated by the release of peanut oil. The longer the process, the more flavorful the marinade is.
Madurese have their own ways to make different recipes on the ingredients of the concoction. In addition to spices and peanut oil, the secret of the delicacy of Madura satay is also located in processed chicken oil.
Typical Balinese Chicken Satay Recipe

This typical Balinese chicken satay is the next topic. For those of you who have never seen it, you must be surprised because it looks more like omelette rolls, children's snacks that are sold in schools. But of course the taste of satay still feels.
This method is also quite easy because it does not require materials or tools that require you to buy it in Bali. The elderly will easily chew it in their mouths. If you are curious, immediately prepare the ingredients for this chicken satay recipe.
Ingredients (20 servings):
- 1/4 kg of ground chicken
- 1/4 grated coconut
- 25 sticks of lemongrass
- salt to taste
Ground spices:
- 4 red onion cloves
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 pecan nut
- 1 red chili fruit
- 3 cayenne fruit
- 1 segment of ginger
- 1 turmeric segment
- 1/2 kencur segment
- 1/2 laos segment
- 1/4 teaspoon of coriander
- 1/4 teaspoon of shrimp paste
- 1/4 teaspoon of brown sugar
How to make Chicken Satay Lilit:
- Stir-fry spices that have been crushed or blended (in Bali called genep base) accompanied by salt and 1 lemongrass that has been crushed until fragrant.
- Mix the finely seasoned spices with grated coconut and ground chicken meat, knead, then wrap the mixture on the lemongrass stem until it runs out.
- Prepare the grill and use banana leaves as a base so that the satay does not stick to the grill.
- Bake all sides (back and forth) of chicken until cooked so that the soft texture of the satay is evenly distributed. This step must be done patiently because if you want to make a tasty satay, of course you have to comply with each step in how to make it.
- Balinese chicken satay is ready to be served with sambal matah, which is a sambal with a thin slice composition of red onion, lemongrass, cayenne pepper, salt, and a little coconut oil.
Easy and simple, do you practice the 3 Typical Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipes? You can try it at home with easily available ingredients and tools on the market. If you follow the rules correctly the results can spoil your family's tongue. Good luck and good luck ... !!