Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The First Time Indonesia Eats Get Insurance

The First Time Indonesia Eats Get Insurance - The insurance company BCA Life and PT Pendekar Bodoh, the owner of the D'Cost Seafo...

3 Typical Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipes

3 Typical Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipes - Satay dishes are quite unique because small pieces of meat sticked with coconut / bamboo sti...

Different, Here are 3 Gado-Gado Recipes from Each Region in Indonesian

Different, Here are 3 Gado-Gado Recipes from Each Region in Indonesian - Based on quotes from wikipedia, the origin of gado-gado is o...

Santorini, Pulau Paling Indah dan Romantis di Yunani (Greece)

Thira atau Santorini adalah sebuah pulau di salah satu gugusan kepulauan Yunani (Cyclades) di Laut Aegea, tepatnya 20 km sebelah ten...

12 Pulau Paling Indah di Yunani

Ini dia 12  pulau paling indah dan terkenal di Yunani yang telah lama menjadi tujuan wisatawan dunia. Tempat-tempat ini merupakan  tem...